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Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů

for contractors / customers / newsletter users

According to art. 13 and 26 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Journal of Laws UE. L. of 2016, No. 119, p. 1, as amended) (hereinafter referred to as: GDPR), we inform you that we jointly process your personal data, i.e.:
  • Personal data controllers
    We will be the controllers of your data:
    – entities belonging to the LUBAWA Capital Group (hereinafter we will use the abbreviation: “LUBAWA Group”),
    – our trusted partners, i.e., entities that are not part of the LUBAWA Group, but are our partners (hereinafter we will use the abbreviation: “Trusted Partners”).
    We are jointly referred to as Co-Controllers, separately as the Controller.
    Our cooperation aims, in particular, to provide you with the best service in performing our contracts and completing your complex orders, better offer tailoring as per your needs, as well as performing various tests and activities aimed at more efficient resource management and adapting them to the needs of our contractors. Detailed information on the Controllers can be found in paragraph 11 of this Clause.
  • Mutual agreements amongst the Controllers
    Since the LUBAWA Group and Trusted Partners operate on a joint-control basis, in accordance with art. 26 of the GDPR, we have concluded an appropriate Agreement. Each of the Controllers shall take due care to ensure the security of the processing of your data and can be asked any questions. In particular, we agreed that:

    1) Any controller acquiring personal data shall be held responsible for fulfilling the information obligation towards you in accordance with art. 13 and 14 of the GDPR,
    2) each of the Controller shall be held responsible for enabling you to exercise the rights set out in point 6, through the contact point established by us (its details below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, you can exercise your rights by submitting your requests, applications, or inquiries to each of the Controller. In this case, the Controller, to whom you have sent the request, shall forward it to other Controllers for them to process it, and then this Controller shall provide you with a response in accordance with the rules and within the time limits specified in art. 12 of the GDPR,
    3) Any Controller obtaining your personal data shall be held responsible for collecting the data in a correct manner,
    4) The Controller LITEX SERVICE Sp. z o.o. based in Ostrowie Wielkopolskim shall also care about ensuring the external security of IT systems against access by unauthorized persons and their internal organization ensuring the best protection.
    The full content of the concluded Agreement on the co-control of personal data shall be made available to you by the Data Protection Officer appointed by us, upon every request.
  • Contact point
    We have jointly decided to establish a common contact point that you can contact in matters related to the protection of personal data and the use of rights related to this processing. If you want to contact the Data Protection Officer, please use the contact details provided below.
    – E-mail address: [email protected]
    – Correspondence address: name od company, Nadrzeczna 1a, 58400 Kamienna Góra
  • Purposes and basis of processing
    We have jointly established the purposes for processing your data. We shall process your personal data:

    a) pursuant to art. 6 paragraph (1) point (b) of the GDPR, to conclude and perform the contract concluded with you or to complete your order and take all the actions that proceed it,
    b) pursuant to art. 6 paragraph (1) point (c) of the GDPR, to fulfill the legal obligation related to issuing and storing documents and invoices for services provided or commissioned by the Controller, for the implementation of your or the Controller’s after-sales rights,
    c) pursuant to art. 6 paragraph (1) point (f) of the GDPR, to perform direct marketing, as well as to defend against and in connection with pursuing claims and fulfill other legal obligations before state offices,
    d) pursuant to art. 6 sec. (1) point (a) of the GDPR and on the basis of your separate consent – if granted – to send you commercial information.
  • Data recipients
    Your personal data will be processed by other entities providing services for the Controller, among others, those related to financial settlements, protection of property and people; accounting, legal, advisory and consulting and archiving offices; the service of IT equipment and computer programs in which data is collected, any other services supporting the Controller’s activities in the course of their business activity in connection with the implementation of contracts concluded by the Controller with third parties or you.
  • Rights of data subjects and the right to object

    a) you shall have the right to request the Controller to access your personal data, the right to rectify, delete or limit processing thereof, the right to transfer the data, and if the processing of your personal data by the Controller is based on your consent, you shall have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before its withdrawal. You can exercise the above rights by sending a written notification to the Controller’s address or contact details provided in paragraph 3.
    b) notwithstanding the provisions indicated above in point (a), you shall have the right to object to the processing of your personal data collected on the basis of the Controller’s legitimate interest, and which are not based on your consent, contract or legal provision. In relation to direct marketing conducted by the Controller, including profiling and data processing carried out on a different legal basis than this indicated in the first clause, you can submit an objection to the Controller’s address or contact details of the Data Protection Inspector indicated in point 3. In the event of an objection, after considering your application, it will not be possible for the Controller to process the personal data covered by the objection, unless we prove that there are valid legitimate grounds for data processing, which according to the law are considered superior to your interests, rights and freedoms or there are grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims,
    c) you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the Head of the Personal Data Protection Office, if you believe that the processing of your personal data by the Controller, violates the law.
  • Data retention period
    Your personal data will be retained for the duration of the contract, and after its performance for the period indicated by applicable laws, including tax law, no longer than until the mutual claims arising from the concluded contract expire. However, in the case of a separate consent, the data will be processed until its withdrawal, which was taken into account in the manner specified in paragraph (6) point (a) and in the event of an objection to the processing of your personal data, until this objection is raised, which was taken into account in the manner specified in paragraph (6) point (b).
  • Transfer of data outside the EEA
    Your personal data may be transferred to countries outside the EEA, however, each time in the case of such a transfer, we have implemented an adequate level of protection, including appropriate safeguards for your personal data applied by a third country or an international organization (if applicable).
  • Profiling
    In order to conduct direct marketing, we can profile your personal data, i.e. automated analysis of your personal data aimed at ultimately developing predictions on your preferences or future behavior and receiving selected marketing information.
  • Information on the voluntary provision of data
    Providing personal data is voluntary, however, your refusal to provide data that makes it impossible to perform the contract may result in our refusal to perform the order/contract.
  • Who is the data controller
    The controller of your data are entities from the LUBAWA Group, i.e. entities that are part of the LUBAWA capital group and Trusted Partners.


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